Tuesday, October 9, 2007

photos at 12kbaud

I’ve decided to try to post a few pictures; I’ll let it run while I go for my after dinner walk. If this works ok maybe I can add a photo or two each night and let them upload through the night.

... okay, well that ain't gonna work; tried it about 6 times and it just won't fly. So it goes. Nothing else new. I did notice ND managed to get a win. Rah, Rah! The echoes are still snoring.


norton said...

How is the scuba diving? Are there bigger fish in the ocean?

Frank said...

There are some very large fish out there. I saw (and photographed) a school of large unusual fish last weekend, about 5 or 6 feet long, and about 3 feet from top tp bottom, relatively thin side to side, maybe as much as a foot, looked like a lot of typical aquarium fish but much bigger. There were 8 0r 10 of them moving slowly along the edge of the reef; reminded me of a heard of buffalo walking along grazing.I was given two different names but after looking up some pictures9 using a lot of patience, I have concluded that they are indeed the "bumphead parrotfish". You can look up some good pictures; I can't show you mine.

Anonymous said...

been busy; so caught up my frank blog this am--and looked at the moray attack video. how stupid can people be??
i don't want to swim with those guys--you be careful!

Frank said...

Lucky for me I can't watch videos

norton said...

I only watched the beginning where some idiot was hand feeding this large moray. I could only imagine very bad things where going to happen next. I had to turn it off and watch the puppy channel. "All puppies, all the time" to calm myself. Do you have antitoxins in the clinic for all of the wierd stinging things in the sea? Do get many fish bites/stings in the clinic? Do the Thais have any home remedies for such things?